"Players of my age usually go to Qatar or China" – Italy – Football – Sportacentrs.com


"I am very happy to be in such a club at this stage of my career," Ronaldo said at the press conference that he had not received any further offers to pursue a career at the Real Club de Madrid. "I want to win, I want to win, I want to be the best." Who knows, maybe I'll go back to the Golden Ball, but it should be a natural and difficult one in Manchester and Madrid. "[19659002"Toutvabienpourmoi-physiquementmentalementetémotionnellementdoncjesuistrèsfierd'êtreicietdelafaçondontc'was"adéclarélasuperstarportugaise"Celadiffèredesautresjoueursquipensentqueleurcarrièreestdéjàterminéejeveuxleurmontrerquejesuisdifférentc'estunmomentémotifparcequejen'aipas23ansmaisàl'âgede33ansdansceclublesvieuxjoueursvonthabituellementauQatarouenChine"

Juventus is the Italian champion 34 times, including triumphant A in The last seven seasons On the international stage, the Italian superclub has not been successful for nearly twenty years, the last title was won at the Intertoto Cup in 1999, which was the only third tournament in the world. club in Europe.Of the two titles of the league championship, the "coolest" is 22 – in 1996.

Ronaldo is convinced that it can be a crucial help for the club on the way back at the top of Europe. "I know that every club wants to win the Champions League trophy, it is possible, we will fight not only for the Champions League, but also for the A Series title, "said Portugal. "I know the competition will be heavy, we should always stay the course, I hope to help you win the title, I hope to become a happy star for this club, but we will see." "Juventus" gave me a wonderful opportunity. Juventus can be a very successful club, it has won many championships and cups until here, has reached the final of the Champions League, I am proud that the club is interested in me and I am very happy. hope that I will help Juventus to enter. Ronaldo

During his career, Ronald has won five Champions League titles – Manchester United in 2008, and Real Madrid in 2016-2018.

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