Prince George celebrates his 5th birthday today


Prince George on the second day of his life.
(Photo: Vida Press)

The eldest son of the Duchess of Cambridge has already managed twice to become an older brother on her fifth birthday. He has a younger sister Charlotte (3 years old) and brother Lewis, born less than three months old.

George celebrates his birthday during the summer holidays – since last autumn he has been attending a private elementary school in London, where the clbad is not calling Princess but George Cambridge.

Together with Princess William.

Although George is only five years old, from a few days old, a boy is created by the royal duties that he will have to badume for an adult in one day

Princess Charlotte and Prince George on the first day of kindergarten

On his first visit abroad, George went with his parents, not even a year. At the age of 9, he has already been to Australia and New Zealand.

Together with parents and nurses in December 2017.
(Photo: EPA / Scanpix)

Prince George went to Canada, Poland and Germany with his parents on an official visit

Around three o'clock, Prince George had already beaten US President Barack Obama

At the age of three Prince George struck in the United States. President Barack Obama.
(Photo: CAMERA PRESS / ROTA / Vida Press)

Despite the fact that George is growing up in an environment completely different from other children and looking around the world, the Duchess Catherine and Prince William of George Catherine try to do everything to make the son's childhood as "normal" as possible. official birthday photo.

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