Removes OCI Clearances for Two Other Companies – Barkava Energy and Jumis Geo – Business – News


Authorizations to sell electricity under the mandatory public contracts "Barkavas enerģija" and "Jumis Geo" have been canceled because it has been established that the production of electricity in cogeneration was not engaged in accordance with the regulations. The producer of the cogeneration plant can also continue to produce and sell heat, subject to a price agreement with the buyer and the user of thermal energy, "explains EM

Information on "", "Barkavas enerģija" Ltd. was registered in 2012. Its registered capital is 2840 euros, 30% of the company belongs to Barkava Holding, 24.47% – Edgar Kamišovs and Vilnis Buholcam, and 21.06% – SIA Projektgrupa In 2017, the company closed with a turnover of 171 euros and a loss of 8841 euros.

SIA Jumis Geo was registered in 2010. Its registered capital is € 4058, 55.99% of the company's shares belong to SIA Mocken, 30.01% to Enertecgreen Limited, based in the United Kingdom, and 14% to Edgar Romanovskim.In 2017, "Jumis Geo" achieved a turnover of Of 292,689 euros and a profit of 84,361 euros.

Up to now, the Ministry has removed In December 2017, three power plants – Elektro Rīdzene Ltd. in the district of Cēsis, Energo Fortis Ltd in the Livani district and SIA "E Strenči" in the Strenci district – were revoked. This year, the authorizations were canceled for the SIA Madona Eko power plants in the Madona district, SIA "Euro-Asia Investment Agency" in the Aluksne region, Evokem Ltd. in the Livani district, SIA "M Parks" in the region of Amatas, SIA "Eco Latvis" in the district of Tukums, Ltd. "three power plants in the counties of Rauna, Kārsava and Ludza, Tektus Ltd. in the region of Amatas, Digne Ltd. in the district of Vecumnieki, Atauga-G Ltd. in the district of Olaine, Krustpils AER Ltd. in Krustpils District, Pellets Energy Ltd in Talsi District, SIA "E Seda" in Strenci Region, SIA "Rīgas enerģija" in Riga, "AM Energy Solution" in Vecumnieki District, "Briedis būve "in the district of Saldus and SIA" Barkavas enerģija "for a power station in the Madona district

At the end of 2017, as part of the surveillance measures of authorized traders set up by the MS, 70 traders revoked licenses for electricity sales in the framework of compulsory public contracts, mainly for non-production Similarly, in EM 2018, 40 companies submitted alerts for failing to submit annual reports, while 62 taxpayers issued tax warnings x.

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