Saeima will decide the budget next year | BNN


Baltic news, News from Latvia, BNN.LV, BNN-NEWS.COM, BNN-NEWS.RU

Saeima will decide whether amendments will be considered on Thursday 29 November The law on budgetary and financial management, which states that next year 's budget expenditures will not exceed the expenditures specified in the budget law for the medium – term budget of the year. These amendments to the law, due to the fact that the state budget of the following year will not come into force on 1 January, were stimulated by the Committee on Budget and Finance (Taxation). ).

The Budget Committee also encouraged the Commission to decide whether or not to continue its review of the amendments to the Law on Arbitral Awards not taken into account in the 12th Saeima. They provide for an increase in the remuneration of judges and prosecutors, informs BNN Saeima press service.

Similarly, the Budget Committee decided to continue consulting the draft law on the distribution of insurance and reinsurance, which aims to improve the existing regulation, as well as amendments to the law on motor insurance, aimed at improve the interests of road accident victims, underwriters and drivers.

In turn, the Committee on the National Economy, Agrarian Policy, the Environment and Regional Policy has asked for further amendments. Construction law, designed to facilitate the transition to circulation of construction documents in the electronic information system, and amendments Fertilizer Circulation Act, to allow a more robust follow-up of the circulation of these funds.

The Legal Commission has asked the Saeima to continue to consult amendments to the law so that the list of controlled narcotic and psychotropic substances in Latvia can be supplemented by the names of five new substances.

The Committee on Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention is promoting the promotion of a new draft law on the circulation of arms for further consideration by the Saeima. It intends to establish a new clbadification of weapons and ammunition and to ensure the consistency of the laws of Latvia and the European Union in the field of the circulation of arms.

The Saeima will also decide to continue examining several new laws submitted to the Saeima. One of them is an amendment Administrative Territories and Colonies Act, which provides for the creation of two subgroups of villages – concentrated construction villages and historic villages.

Members will also decide whether committees will be encouraged to amend the Holidays, Commemorations and Celebrations Act, which was to be November 21 as Remembrance Day for Victims of Tragedy.

The agenda of the session of the Saeima is also the request of the deputies to the Minister of the Economy, Arvila Aseraden, regarding the legality and legitimacy of the scheme of aid to electricity subsidized and ministry activities implemented by the Ministry of Economy.

The agenda of the Saeima meeting of 29 November includes seven questions.

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