Salvis Rabbits – Financenet was removed from the position of member of the Board of Olainfarm


The decision was made on Tuesday, July 24.

The Council also decided to elect Lauri Macijevski as a member of the Council. According to the records of the LETA agency, Maciyevsky previously held the position of Vice President of AS DNB Bank, merged with Luminor as a result of the merger.

As announced, Rabbits had resigned at the end of last year and was about to cease trading. However, after the death of Valeriy Maligin, the largest co-owner and head of Olainfarm, he withdrew his request for resignation from a council member and continued his work.

As Rabbit pointed out, he and Olainfarm have deep roots in their work for over ten years. "We have managed to both celebrate success and overcome a series of crises: the loss of Valery Maligin to the team, partners and shareholders is a blow." I believe it is my duty to use this accumulated experience. Olainfarm "Member of the Board of Directors

Olainfarm is one of the largest companies in the Baltic States dealing with finished dosage forms, pharmaceutical preparations and nutritional supplements, as well as the production of chemicals. and active pharmaceutical ingredients Olainfarm shares citations on the official Nasdaq Riga list.

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