Scientists: Turin Guilty is a fake – Cheats History – Science


The corpse of Turin is an old piece of linen cloth 4.4 m long and 1.2 m wide on which we see the body of the body of the cross. The lake is stored in northern Italy, in the city of Turin, St. John the Baptist Cathedral. It is one of many tissues that are considered captured by Jesus Christ.

1988. Scientists conducted a radio frequency test using a corrosion test and discovered that the corpuscle appeared between the 1260s and 1390s of the modern era, supporting the theory that carbon black is a fake. However, many scholars and believers question the findings of the 1988 corpulence badysis.

As was stated in a study published in the journal Journal of Forensic Sciences, researchers used a new technique to badyze blood stains. wounds in the palms, legs, forehead and chest

Voluntary skin was covered with synthetic and human blood to observe how gravity produces drops of blood in various body positions. On the other hand, on a special dummy, it was examined how the blood flows through the body after the point with the lance on the side. Later, the trajectory of blood flow was compared to the blood spots on the Turin Correction

The researchers found that the blood stains on the clutter were false, that is, created by a skilled artist in the Middle Ages. it is clear that there are contradictions between them, "said author Mateo Borini (Matteo Borrini).

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