Several young people were arrested for drug trafficking during the festival – Criminal Messages – News


There was a machine trapped on the territory of the festival where drug trafficking was observed. The police arrested the two young people in the car. Finding packages of psychoactive substance "ecstasy" MDMA and marijuana was discovered in search of the youngest of the detainees – a minor born in 2000. Police discovered the same type of drug during a subsequent search. in the car.

A total of 7.5 grams of MDMA tablets and a small amount of cannabis were expropriated. 1020 euros seized, which, according to police reports, could come from drug trafficking

The police initiated criminal proceedings for the unauthorized release of narcotics, if it was committed by a group of people after prior agreement . For such crimes, the law provides for the deprivation of liberty for a period of three to ten years.

Police in Kekava District, following the preventive measures, noticed two young people under the influence of drugs. These young people had already visited the festival. One of the young born in 1997 found 7.2 grams of dried marijuana.

The police initiated criminal proceedings for the unauthorized purchase and possession of narcotics without the intention to report on them.

All non-custodial security measures applied to juvenile offenders

Although the police did not officially disclose the title of the festival, information posted on social media suggests that the weekend Baldones Waterfest 2018 festival was held in Baldone County.

Police also discovered drug-related violations in various other festivals. Positivus recently registered five drug-related cases – three people were drugged for testing, while two others were found to be in possession of small amounts of drugs. Administrative records were opened in all cases.

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