Slīterē forest 26 years after a large fire recovered, scars still left / Article / LSM.LV


Up to now, the biggest fire disaster hit the woods in July 1992, when the Slite Flood spilled 3,300 hectares. The area formerly affected by the flight of the bird is now green, simply resembling depression because the trees are lower. Certainly, the recent recent testimony of the forest is still evident in the woods.

Vilnis Skuja, expert of the Slītere National Park and one of the most experienced scientists in Latvia, experienced the fire of the reserve 26 years ago.

"It seems that there are blueberries, butterflies, but they contain all the essential oils that, during the combustion process, emit terrible heat and it's a complete hell because it is extremely hot., "Forest fires exposed to forest vegetation are characterized by a researcher.

Nobody was ready for the reserve to catch fire. At that time, there was no way of communication and could not reach the hot places because there is no way in the forest and peat bog. The fire started from the other side of Bažu moora. In three days, the fire reached the place where he was arrested. Part of the bog has been completely burned and the pods have grown in the last 26 years. After the fire of Slîtere, nothing was laid and transported. Everything has been restored naturally. There is a forest that is not affected by the flame and a burning place where there are long pines.

"They are survivors," says Skuja with sturdy trees. "A few pennies have already experienced four fires in their lives … now survived again, because there was no owner who gave his roots. Those who [uguni] have already survived, they are much more likely to survive the next fires, say after 50 years. "

There is still clear evidence of burning 26 years ago. The pine bark and scars in the trees are always black.
"Yes, with all the black coal, the carbon is pure carbon and nothing happens," says the researcher. "In archaeological excavations, coal is also the same black."

The appendix is ​​the tree that may have been most suitable as it grows in dry places and the thick bark is like an insulator. "The bottom line is that there is no too thick layer, which is dead without life, then a fog," says Skuja.

The Slitere administration, as a result of a fire, kept the burned areas out of the squeeze. Tips have been selected only in separate locations. Everyone was afraid that the pests would collapse and that Slitter would become an infectious disease. However, this did not happen.

In damp places, the fire has spread, the roots of the plant have survived and the roots of the lawn, but the peat layer is restored very slowly.

"To be a meter of peat, it takes 1000 years," says Skuja. "And our society, 1000 years ago, is very dangerous because the level of the water table is very low and the dry peat is very high, if the fire is already in the dry peat and if it tries to dry up. water the water. like a water duck, the fine peat particles are repelled by water, so it is considered that peatland abrasion is useless, since the small scattering aerial flowers are shaken by the water. 39; air. "

The Slitere forest has become more interesting a biotope for many species of insects and rare smooth snakes, one thing when the territory is left to nature, and the other – if a forest is intended for economic activity and income, where burning is a real financial loss.

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