Stress and overwork at work, how to avoid it? – wife


Elita Burmistrova, Transacom Worldwide Latvia's head of enterprise and responsible for stress management, helps employees manage stress every day.

The solution is to set goals, to reward yourself for every little problem. the achievement of purpose

When it is felt that nothing goes wrong and that everything is bad, it is time to stop and appreciate your achievements, to turn your back on your shoulders and congratulate you! It does not always have to be big. The path to the goal consists of small pieces, overcoming each small piece, there will be a pleasant feeling of satisfaction that is stimulated by the formation of a dopamine hormone. Dopamine is known as one of the happiness hormones and it reduces the level of stress in the body. The same technique is applicable to team-oriented and goal-oriented managers. For example, it is necessary to reach or improve the sales target, the purpose of customer satisfaction, reduce the number of errors – it works for any purpose.

Work individually with an employee or the entire team, if the goal is divided into small parts The solution is to improve their time management skills, their organizational abilities and to rest as needed and to pause

Workplace stress is mainly caused by tasks, goals, management relationships and unclear colleagues. it can be stimulated by unfinished work and fatigue. Many employers are well aware of the harmful effects of stress, but they are not fully aware and do little to help employees deal with stress in a targeted way. However, stress reduction can be the same for everyone, for example, keeping the target, without spending energy and not worrying about things impossible to change, turning to a mentor or a counselor when you need help or simple conversations. Companies that develop special stress programs, such as Transcom Worldwide Latvia, have launched a stressful project that helps employees identify and cope with it on a daily basis.

Stress in small doses is even necessary for everyone. world.

Increased load or overload at work

The solution – the feeling that the load is too large, it is important not to keep this condition for a long time and to make a difference

several signs that can be observed at work and outside – fatigue, deterioration of work quality and productivity, slowness, depressed mood, loss of interest and life span, mild irritability, difficulty to focus, etc. In case of overload, all the resources of the body are consumed, therefore, a person feels the exhaustion of power and energy and responds accordingly. Such a situation can not last long, so it must be treated seriously and a solution must be sought to balance the time devoted to leisure activities. However, if you need to work for a while, it is better to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the duration and, after such a load, observe the rest regime and restore the physical and mental energy.

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