In Northern Europe, UV radiation is as strong as in the Mediterranean. There is no need to travel to seriously damage the health of the eyes and skin. The study has proved that it is precisely the northern Europeans who do not hesitate to forget the sun protection. Organically-northern skin has not adapted to such intense sunlight, so people put themselves and their health at risk.
In sunny days, half or 51% of men wear sunglbades, slightly more than women. The lowest wearing sunglbades is for kids. In addition, even if children wear sunglbades, they are usually not coated, which protects them from UV rays. The most important wearing of sunglbades is for people aged 15 to 44, after which it narrows again. The use of sunglbades daily is also slightly influenced by the financial situation of the population – 42% of people whose monthly income is less than 300 euros, while those with higher income, a little more – 56% of respondents wear it regularly.
that sunglbades are not everyday purchases. On average, they are bought 1 to 2 times a year, while 30% of the sunglbades studied serve for several years. 62% of respondents admitted that it was a thoughtful purchase and that the glbades are bought by optical stores, but more and more, especially among young people, becomes buying sunglbades at clothing and fashion stores. They pay more attention to the appearance of unglazed or eye protection. Most of the interviewees mentioned the main reasons not to buy: they can not be adjusted, even the lowest price can not compensate
"It is important to pay attention to the l & # 39; where to buy sunglbades.% to 100% UV radiation, protecting not only the eyes but also the sensitive skin around the eyes, which is not enough with a protective curtain.When choosing glbades sun, look for the abbreviation "CE", which means that the quality of the glbades meets the requirements of the European Union and effectively protects against ultraviolet radiation.But today, in a large number of optical stores, it is possible to check whether or not the sunglbades contain UV rays ", explains Agnese Aleksejeva, Vision Express optometrist 53%), a wide choice (43%). great attention is given to the offers promotional and recommendations of an optometrist. "If we look at nationality, it does not affect the habits of wearing sunglbades, but they are, in percentage, very similar among Latvians – 45% and non-Latvians – 54%. more to choose models and styles.Letrons will be more reserved models by buying more ideas about what the wolf wears clothes, so as not to be neglected.Here, however, we can draw parallels with the income, the more expensive branded sunglbades are chosen, the more you look for design details that stand out.On the other hand, people of other nationalities are looking for something different: colors, shapes, lenses and more expressive frames, "says Stylist Alexander Plahova
704 respondents aged 15 to 74 consult the Internet at least once a week.
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