The Bloody Moon will be seen in Latvia on Saturday in Latvia


On the night of Friday, July 27, Saturday, July 28, a full moon eclipse will be observed in Latvia, which is called the Bloody Moon because of its color. The companion of the Earth shines in a shade of reddish-brown blood. In Latvia, lunar eclipses are observed on average every two years, they are observed when the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are in a straight line. But this eclipse will be the longest of the 21st century. The next full moon eclipse in Latvia will take place early next year.

The Latvian Astronomical Society explains how things are going to happen. At first glance, the moon enters first in the slope of the Earth, then begins the partial phase of the eclipse, followed by a complete phase that lasts one hour and 43 minutes. The full moon eclipse never becomes completely black, but is highlighted in dark reddish or brownish tones. At the beginning of the eclipse, part of the celestial body on the bright sky background will disappear, but by the time of the peak phase of the eclipse, the sky will be dark enough to observe the moon disk of a reddish or brownish tone. The complete phase of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Latvia will end on July 28 at 0.13, but the eclipse will end completely after more than two hours – at 2.29. The lunar eclipse can be seen at the naked eye, the observation requires a clear sky (the city may be disturbed by light and smog) and the view must be oriented south-east and south . The homepage of the radio astronomy center explains how eclipses are formed. When the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are in a straight line, there are eclipses. The new phase of the moon shows the eclipse of the Sun, but in the full moon phase, the eclipse of the Moon. In the full moon phase, when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in a straight line, the Earth covers the Sun and its light does not fall directly on the surface of the Moon. The sun's rays are directed through the Earth's atmosphere, where blue light is more dispersed. Therefore, during the complete eclipse of the Moon, its surface color varies from juicy orange to dark red.

The business astrologer Kristaps Baņķis calls the eclipse of the coming moon a second black Friday. In turn, the future astrologer reminds us that many icons of pop culture, famous artists, politicians, scientists, visible and magnetic people are born under the influence of the world. ;eclipse. "Of course, there are many risks: alcoholism, drug addiction, other addictions and giant failures, but it depends on the environment, the parents, the education and the fate of the planet or the planet. ", Explains K. Baņķis

. ] OPPORTUNITY On July 27, the maximum phase of the lunar eclipse will be about 23.22 throughout Latvia

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