The director of the year Viesturs Kairišs at the Russian theater in Riga staged Turgeņeva "Mumu" / Article / LSM.LV


Viesturs Kairišs, the director of the Russian literary clbad, Ivana Turgeņeva, celebrates the anniversary of the Spelmani night and has chosen to stage the story "Mumu", many of which remember their school years.

"History is the most obvious and paradoxical reflection of the problems of modern man," said Jakov Rafalson, an actor in Russia's Great Theaters in Riga.

The creative pleasure of the stage performer Yakov Rafalson in the production of "Mumu" by Ivan Turgenyov is so enthusiastic that she wants to discover how the adult world has been so inspired by the world. melancholy story of Gerasim, honest and generous, who falls in love with the maid Tatyana and why the little dog Mumu needs it. had to be laundered.

"Imagine the meaning of the story.Only the little dog, the only one who resisted his orders, imagined the resistance of the whole lady! And he was killed.Living birth, do you think? Yesterday was been canceled and tomorrow everyone will be free? No, it stays in the genes and it was a discovery for me.Only a small dog can not cling to it, "said Jakov Rafalson.

The director Viesturs Kairišs, in collaboration with the actors, sought answers to the reasons why people are blindly obeyed.

"I admire how much Turgeen saw what would happen in the world, and especially in Russia, and describing the nature of psychology at birth, realizing how people live there, and then you understand where everything went. its roots, "says Viesturs Kairišs.

"I understand why Viesturs has chosen me, which is a great honor for me because it is just in Gerasim that we see that he is great, everyone is afraid of him, but inwardly he is very fragile, very sensitive, very emotional and a very good child.Gerasim has a reality that others can not understand because they are not "real." The weather still dies, but Gerasim is one of those who maintain this purity, "says Maxim Busel, Gerasim's modeller.

The use of mannequins in the playground is an idea of ​​the old Viesturs Kairiš, it is a desire to search for a new direction writing.

The choreographer of the performance is Jana Jacku, artist of the light – Martins Feldmanis, premiered on November 30 at the Russian theater hall in Riga.

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