The dispute began because of the child. New details on the beating of Aija Dembovskis


Latvia has crushed news about the beating of star Aija Dembovskas, which took place shortly after the return of the beauties to Latvia. While she is already saying that the girl is "outdated" in a nightclub, Aija reveals that the conflict was due to family circumstances.

After the news that Aija, after returning to Latvia, had closed her eyes and hit the ribs, the conversation began that the girl was most likely to be defeated during the race.

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As the show shows the social networking profiles of the stars, Aija often takes frequent foreigners and often invite them to come by announcing their offers on the Facebook profile along with their phone number.

In a conversation with the girl denies that the conflict It would have occurred in a nightclub with a little-known person.

As Aija reveals, a physical attack was taking place at her house, and the man was well known to her. Plus, the boy in the past has agreed to have a romantic relationship.

But the reason for the dispute was not the relationship between them – the boy wanted to "rearrange" the lying girl, who is also the mother of her three-year-old son. son of Get TE!

A quicker change in the words whether Aija is a pretty good mother for the little one, because of her desire to get involved in different business, has come to the fore. The man started to shame the star to spend his time on a little while, putting his priorities in the first place.

"Said about what I see when leaving the child.And this was not because of the club," Aija was angry. The girl believes that the former no longer has the right to tell her how to live better or how to properly raise the child.

"We are no longer together – what rights do they have the right to learn?" Angry Aija

The boy also lost all hope of conquering his heart again – raising his arms against himself will not spare his husband

Aija turns to the police for injuries

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