The lake water was discovered for the first time on Mars


For the first time on Mars, a huge underground water lake was discovered, increasing the likelihood of more water, and possibly even life, on the planet, indicated Wednesday scientists.

According to a study by an international team of scientists published by the American journal Science, the Mars Lake has a width of about 20 kilometers. "This is a striking result that shows that water on Mars is not just temporary, as in previous discoveries." Alan Duffy, professor at Swanburne University in Australia

Mars is now cold, dry and dry, but before it's hot and humid for at least 3.6 billion years, and

Scientists are eager to find signs of existence of liquid water on Mars, as this would help solve the mystery of Mars' life and its present existence

could help to survive for future manned missions on the planet next to Earth.

However, it was found the private water would not be drinkable and it is located one and a half kilometers below the surface of the ice.

One can also wonder if it could have any microbiological life forms Some experts are skeptical because the lake is very cold and salty and is filled with salts and minerals of dissolved Mars.

It is expected that its temperature is below the freezing point of pure water, but remains liquid in the presence of magnesia, calcium and sodium

The lake was discovered at the 39, using Mars Express Marine Radar Instrument for Groundwater Exploration, launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Probe, launched in 2003.

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