The next Star Wars will feature new Fischer film material – Cinema + Culture +


Lucasfilm and Abrams announced that the material with Fischer, which was featured in the 2015 Star Wars movie: The Force Awakens 2015 (Star Wars: The Power of the Great), but has not been included, will use the "

The filming of the new movie star is expected to begin Wednesday in London

Fischer died on December 27, 2016, at the age of 60, as a result of a heart attack. When she finished her work on the movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi

From left to right PHOTO: REUTERS / Scanpix

Fischer became a star of the world, making the "Star Wars" "Original from the rival rebel Princess Lee in the movie" The Star Wars: The Force Awakens "by Carrie Fisher and Billie Heavy, a trilogy created from 1977 to 1983 and turned into a cultural phenomenon.

2015. was presented by the generals Lee Org – Lee's mature years, and the actress was also appear in the next movie "Star Wars".

Friday statement also It was confirmed that Billy Dy Williams, in the role of rebel hero Lando Kalrisjane, who was not seen in the last trilogy, was again featured in the new film.

The film also features Mark Hamil, who plays Luke Skaivoker. [ad_2]
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