The number of jobs creating jobs in Latvia is one of the fastest in the EU BNN


Thanks to exports from the European Union (EU), employment opportunities are increasing in Europe and beyond – EU exports to other countries of the world are more important than never, generating 36 million jobs in Europe.

That's two-thirds more than in 2000. 14 million of these jobs are women. In addition, EU exports to the world generate an added value of € 2.3 trillion in the European Union, according to two new studies published by the European Commission published on Tuesday 27 November.

Since the launch of the Commission in 2014, the number of jobs supported has increased by 3.5 million. According to the press service of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, these jobs are on average 12% better paid than those in the rest of the economy.

"This study clearly shows that trade is synonymous with jobs.Exports from the EU to other countries contribute to improving the livelihoods of a growing number of Europeans. 40% of those who support jobs are women EU trade supports millions of jobs well beyond its borders, including in developing countries, which reaffirms the fact that trade is and can be a mutually beneficial solution: what is right for us is also for our partners around the world, "said Trade Commissioner Sesilia Malmström (Cecilia Malmstrom)

Since 2000, the largest increase in the number of jobs has been observed in Bulgaria (+ 312%), Slovakia (+ 213%), Portugal (+ 172%), Lithuania (+ 153%), Ireland (+ 147%), Estonia (+ 147%). and in Latvia (+ 138%).

As soon as EU exporters in a Member State succeed, workers from other Member States also benefit. This is explained by the fact that companies providing goods and services throughout the supply chain also benefit from the sale of finished goods by their final buyer abroad. For example, exports from France to the rest of the world generate about 627,000 jobs in other EU member states, the study concluded.

Finally, EU exports to other countries of the world generate nearly 20 million jobs outside the EU. Since 2000, this figure has more than doubled. For example, the manufacturing of goods and services in the United States, which is part of EU exports as an integral part of global supply chains, generates more than one million dollars. 39, jobs in the United States.

As you know, the European Commission has put its trade policy at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy.

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