The parties do not worry about the "Manabals" decision to refuse to submit an initiative before the elections / Article / LSM.LV


Concerned that during the pre-election campaign, the platform "" may use political parties for self-promotion, the portal decided not to accept party initiative before the elections. Such a decision was made after the site management suspected of having two links with QVV LV and the Farmers and Farmers Union (ZZS). It is true that most of the parties represented in the Saeima do not care about this decision.

Concerned that during the pre-election period of the platform, political parties may use their self-promotion, the portal decided to take no party initiative before the elections. Such a decision was made after the site management suspected of having two links with QVV LV and the Farmers and Farmers Union (ZZS). It is true that most of the parties represented in the Saeima do not care about this decision.

The portal has been around for seven years. In this document, citizens can submit their ideas for changes to the law. By collecting a number of signatures, the initiative is directed towards the Saeima.

The site manager, Imants Breidaks, explains that political parties can submit their own initiatives. However, since political forces have their donors, their budget and their advertising money, they can submit an initiative portal in exchange for a donation of 1,000 euros.

Breidak says the platform is also supported by donations. The political party portal is rarely used. But this year's election has turned out to be different. "However, this year we had a reasonable suspicion that the two initiatives that were published seemed to be in the end, behind these initiatives were party interests and party lobbies," said Breidak

. according to the portal manager, actually came from ZZS and KPV LV, were arrested. Breidak declared that the parties were concealing the initiatives that came from them and did not pay the prescribed gift.

To avoid such situations, it was decided to deny parties the right to submit suggestions before the election

. Vice-Chairman of the Saeima faction, Karlis Sergeants, said that a blocked initiative of "" was submitted by a leader of the party branch of Riga. It was not a party initiative.

The sergeant supports the decision of the portal. "Obviously, it is right that some initiatives that are absolutely and exclusively for political ends are stopped, but I think that should not be a party platform, but a platform for the people and the people there. that one of the group members is leading the proposals, but not the parties, because the parties have such a scene as the Saeima, and that there may be initiatives to pursue, "said Sergeant Ivars Zarins (1965-19004) It would be odd for Saeima's political forces to submit their proposals to parliament rather than elsewhere, says Zarins

"This portal should not be an instrument of political parties it should be for those who do not participate directly in this political game. [viņiem] is the opportunity to create these initiatives through this portal, "says Zarins

The decision of the portal is also respected by Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, the" On the other hand, political parties are also part of society and work there, and the problems are treated fairly by the people, on the one hand, and on the other. is a pity, but on the other hand I understand very well. " did not use the ideas.

" The second initiative, which stopped the usual collection portal, according to Breidak, came from the party "KPV LV". Its leader, Artuss Neighbors, criticized the decision of the portal of social networks

"There is a portal of collection of signatures for the initiatives" community ".There is no such portal! a portal to the collection of ruling party signatures Read this article! Shame "my voice" Shame I remember how his head sat in my office and gave 1,000 euros for any initiative on my part because I am a deputy.The portal should be guarded by him.Minds and Gentlemen – Unity and ZZS Rupor.Because they cost.

Latvian radio has failed to communicate with the neighbor, but for calls and text messages that he did not answer on Friday.

Head of "" Breidaks, in response to critics, points out that there has no political favorites for the creators of the site and the rules are the same for all parties.

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