The reason for the disappearance of "Malaysian Airlines" is not clear after the final report / Article / LSM.LV


On Monday, July 30, the Malaysian authorities released a final report on Malaysian Airlines' missing planes. A report of about 500 pages thick does not speak of the real reason for the disappearance of the plane, which has caused disappointment and anger in the lives of missing pbadengers.

The report also speaks of individual discoveries. One of them is the return of the plane from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. He concludes that a possible hijacking of the aircraft did not take place at a distance. However, the version does not exclude that an aircraft may have been involved in illegal interference in the pilots' work.

The leader of the Malaysian security investigation team announced that the real reason for the disappearance of the aircraft is still unknown.

"The team of investigators lacked evidence to determine the exact reason for the departure of the aircraft: we had missed information on black boxes and other aircraft of the aircraft. plane, otherwise we can not say why the plane flew to the Indian Ocean. "said at the head of the Malaysian Security Investigation Commission, Koks Su Chon

This day, with expectations, waiting pbadengers and parents of pbadengers on board, hoping to get important information, but this did not happen.The parents of the pbadengers expressed their anger and their disappointment because the report does not provide adequate answers

"They have once again failed to do their job, which has always been the case." The Malaysian government is organizing a show that says nothing: "C & # He is a bastard in front of everyone who is waiting for information about his relatives. to be an unknown painting! Danika Vika, wife of the missing pbadenger, pointed out

However, the final report brought relief to the family of the missing pilot.Pilot's sister said that with this message, his suspicious behavior had been removed

The report rejected any airborne anomaly, but pointed to weaknesses in the operation of the Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Service that did not comply with certain procedures.
The Malaysian government reiterated that it was ready to resume searching for an aircraft if reliable evidence of the possible location of the aircraft was found.

Malaysia Airlines' airplanes with 239 pbadengers disappeared on March 8, 2014. It is believed that he landed in the south of the Indian Ocean.

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