The world is mentioned by the meeting of Trampa and Putin in Helsinki


  Photo - Harynen Battery / AFP / LETA Photo – Harynen Battery / AFP / LETA

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On Monday, after a NATO summit in Brussels and spent a weekend in Scotland, US President Donald Tramp will travel to Helsinki to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Center for Foreign Affairs. Helsinki, in the residence of the Finnish president. Both will be the first formal interviews. Earlier this week, the US president was pleased to see that talks with the Russian president after tense talks at the NATO summit would be "the lightest part" of his trip to Europe. The Western press has been concerned for several weeks that the Helsinki Tramps could "play" something that would undermine the unity and position of NATO in the world. In late June, the British newspaper The Times, referring to government sources, expressed concern that the US president might understand, in economic terms, the US refusal to participate in NATO's annual training. in Norway. Similarly, it may happen that Tramps decides to sign an agreement on a caravan planned in Poland as a treaty between Poland and the United States, rather than the agreement between Poland and NATO. It would be a point of American support, not an alliance. And no one can say how the unpredictable American leader will handle the Russian anecdote of the Crimea. Remember that at the G7 summit in Quebec in June, Tramps has already struck everyone by proposing to bring Russia back to this economically developed country, excluded from any aggression in Ukraine. At that time, the idea of ​​Trampa was only supported by Italian Prime Minister Jozeppe Konte. Washington has declared a strong position in Crimea and a case of punishment, but the capitals of Western Europe are unreliable. There is also no security in Tramp's views on the Syrian problem. For example, US aid to the Syrian opposition could become a target for trade. Tramps could agree to stop it, asking in exchange for Russia to succeed Iran's "extermination" of Syria, according to Foreign Policy.

The former US ambbadador to Moscow, Michael McCall, in a conversation with the New York Times, expressed doubts formulated some concrete goals for a dialogue with the Russian president: "I'm afraid that his willingness to come to terms with Putin may become a reason for a concession that does not correspond to US national interests.If Tramps apologizes to Putin with compliments like [Ziemeļkorejas vadītāju] Kimu Chenunu, then Putin will mean a gigantic victory. It is also all that Putin needs for the meeting to be successful. "Experts are also concerned that Mr. Tramps will not speak to NATO in Helsinki in the presence of Putin, which would be a very bad signal. A few days ago, Times said that there would be little in common with the diplomacy talks Helsinki. They will most likely become "theatrical demonstrations of power". Moscow does not expect the United States to catch up. "Most likely, Putin will try to get into Tramp with all the rest – the possibility of looking like the only adult man." The tumultuous, greedy and controversial statements, will allow Putin to appear more sophisticated compared to her. is also the image that Putin wants to show, "says the expert. Putin must demonstrate to the Iranian people that he is an irreplaceable figure that the US president urgently needs to solve global crises: "Russian public television will present its leader in a state of enthusiasm similar to that of the leader of the the most powerful country in the world, "says Arutjuna. that even if the Tramps of Helsinki authorize hasty declarations, they will be neutralized, because the American Congress and American foreign policy are deeply suspicious of Putin. Shortly after the first day of the NATO summit in Brussels, Finnish President Saulius Niniste also spoke out. He was optimistic about the meetings of Putin and Trampa, because all the alliance member countries agree that Russia is destabilizing the international relations system. All leaders of NATO member states acknowledged that both meetings were necessary.


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