To slim down, to eat fat? The specialist explains the risks and benefits of a ketogenic diet


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Author: Dita Vinovska

In recent years, ketogenic or keto diets have become increasingly popular among slaves. It virtually eliminates carbohydrates and increases fat consumption. Although such a strictly limited diet is not lacking, there is no research to prove its removal of overweight. In addition, the diet can have unpleasant side effects, so it is best not to start without the advice of a specialist.

Ketogenic diets are currently used for three main purposes: to reduce epileptic seizures, lose weight and improve the quality of life of people with type 2 diabetes.

It should be noted that it was originally intended for patients with epilepsy and that its effectiveness in this area is also scientifically proven.

Elena Pavlov, nutrition specialist, explains as a guiding principle of a ketogenic diet: "In the case of a ketogenic diet, carbohydrates and an increase in the rate of fats in the diet are limited, which leaves an optimal amount of protein. " varies between 25 and 30 percent.

In the case of a ketogenic diet, the amount of carbohydrates is drastically reduced to 10% or 20 to 50 grams per day. About 70% of calories are absorbed by fat.

"The body uses carbohydrates as the primary source of energy," says the specialist, "because of the lack of carbohydrates in the body, the release of insulin hormone is reduced, resulting in decreased lipogenesis ( fat cell formation) and an accumulation of fat in the body.

If a person is hungry or has a severe carbohydrate diet, the body looks for other ways to get energy.

And one of the ways to get it is to use intermediate ketones for fat degradation. Ketones are produced in the mitochondria, where the oxidation of fat takes place, and they are transported to the brain, heart, muscles as a source of energy. Physiological condition of ketosis occurs. "

Pavlova points out that, in the case of a ketogenic diet, it is important not to exceed the amount of protein to stimulate the formation of glucose from proteins that will inhibit the body's ability to transmit ketosis . Ketogenic diets are often recommended in case of epilepsy to reduce seizures, but have recently become popular for weight loss and type 2 diabetes. In case of epilepsy, the diet food is more strict. The possibilities of using a ketogenic diet are also studied in other neurological disorders and in oncology.

The diet is not a tool for losing weight in the long run

As for whether a ketogenic diet is recommended for weight loss, Mr. Pavlova points out that, like other diets excluding certain products, it will help to get rid of unwanted kilograms.

"If a person with a sedentary lifestyle excludes high-carbohydrate-rich products, especially sugar, the result will definitely be positive," she says. Research on this question is contradictory – some show that the ketogenic diet is particularly effective, but in others it is not very different.

"There are several types of ketogenic diets, but they rely on the maximum elimination of products containing carbohydrates – pearls, bread, pasta, legumes, potatoes, sugar, sweets, many fruits and berries, dried fruits, juices , honey.Coconut oil, various vegetable oils, butter, cream, meat, eggs, cheese and fish can be used in the diet.In small amounts, carbohydrate products – nuts, seeds, berries and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes), "explains Pavlova. Unsweetened milk can also be included in the diet.

"Although the diets are easy to follow because the fats give a good feeling of satiety and people are rarely hungry, however, no ketogenic diet should be followed for a long time," says the specialist.

The safest and safest way to lose weight and maintain it is to have sufficient physical activity and dietary changes that do not require any improvement or reduction in nutrient content, but are compatible with basic principles. of a healthy diet. It must become a lifestyle, not a short-term event. "

Do not forget to consult a specialist before taking any diet. This also applies to the ketogenic diet. Pavlova explains that this diet is not recommended during pregnancy and in children (except in cases of neurological disorders when the diet is under medical supervision). People with chronic diseases should also be careful.

Fat helps to slim down? Effects of diet on health

The specialist explains how the increase in fat intake can help lose weight and its long-term effectiveness: "The mechanism of action described above for the ketogenic diet and l 39; exclusion of many nutrition products contribute to weight loss, which has a beneficial effect on overall health. Although this diet is very popular, it does not cause clinically significant weight loss compared to a low fat diet, though it is respected in the long run. "

The ketogenic diet affects the metabolism of fats – increases the blood level of "good" cholesterol (reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease) compared to a low-fat diet, which is of course positive, but also a "bad" cholesterol (risk cardiovascular) can get up, adds Pavlova.

A ketogenic diet may also have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels in the second type of diabetes.

Although the beneficial effects of a ketogenic diet are under study, their effect on long-term health is not yet well known. It should also be kept in mind that different types of ketogenic diet can affect health differently.

"If you follow a clbadic ketogenic diet (epilepsy), you can develop constipation, kidney stones, nausea, vomiting, abnormal metabolism of fat. This diet should only be observed under the supervision of a doctor! "Emphasizes Pavlova.

In addition, in the case of other forms of ketogenic diet, unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, desire to eat a candy are possible in the early days.

A diet may also have subsequent side effects: constipation, bad breath, muscle cramps, headaches, tiredness, rashes or other skin problems.

"Of course, the more the diet is tight, the greater the risk of side effects is great, it can be aggravated by various chronic diseases," says Pavlova. She points out that there is also a risk of lack of different nutrients if the diet is taken for a long time. "More attention should be paid to vitamin D, calcium, selenium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Nutrition must be planned in such a way that it is varied. "

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If the diet has been observed for a longer period and less than 50 grams of carbohydrate per day, the amount of diet should be increased gradually. This should be done within two to three months.

"In order to avoid as much as possible the side effects of any diet, you should first consult your current menu at a nutritionist or nutritionist and look for the best approach to losing weight. The diet may have to change very little rather than changing the menu completely, "says Pavlova.

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