The court of the suburbs of Latgale de Riga now intends to pronounce on the early release of the sentence of imprisonment pronounced by Anša Ataola Berzina, sentenced on January 13 in the context of the events of Old Riga . Anne's supporters invite each other, as well as other like-minded people, to come to the courthouse to witness the singer-songwriter's support and demonstrate that his detention it's not profitable. The issue of the release of Anse is examined in open court.
Anya's mother, Jelena Staburova The Independent says that the hope of dying last can not live without hope. At the same time, she sighs, because the feeling that the court will rely on the advice of the state probation service and prison will not go away. They say that Ansis was not aware of his crime, of his essence. J. Staburova determines that the repetition of Ansh should repeat: if he had confessed, sent, said that it was not a system, but that it was guilty, he would forgive him immediately. Now? "There should be a political decision to free Ansi," says Staburova. But when the rebellious man who does not hold the tongue behind his teeth is better off staying behind the political positions
Staburova admits that Ansim has good conditions in prison, teaches English there, attends to courses, unfortunately the doctoral thesis can not continue. 19659004] It is not allowed to use even a computer without internet connection. Anya's mother wonders if there are also curious situations – the son is a doctoral candidate, and in this way they can not provide such a degree in a prison. Ansim is offered to study … in the first year. There are also conditions that can not be achieved at the place of detention: physiotherapy is necessary, Ansim is on mission, but the treatment is stopped. It is not clear why the state probation service states that Ansis does not teach but learns English. "It seems that some inaccuracies, but they become a big obstacle to his release," says J. Staburova
A. A. Bērziņš was arrested last year in an international search in the Czech Republic, this year, on March 23, he was deported to Latvia. Since then, he is in a prison. The court sentenced him to one year and eight months imprisonment, the time spent in detention in the Czech Republic was counted as the end of his sentence
It is symbolic that a person who pretends to be a political refugee and judges his convictions should be punished by November 30 The month we celebrate the culmination of the centenary of Latvia. The law allows each convict to ask for pardon, and the president can also make such a decision on his own initiative. President Ansi did not regret, did not even respond in time to the defendant's request to forgive Ansi. Now you have to wait for a court decision – to spend all the trouble or – early release possible.
68 people are prosecuted for taking part in the protest action on Thames Square on January 13, 2009. Three were acquitted, while others were sentenced to suspend sentences, fines, forced labor and imprisonment.
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