VRM inquiry commission urges politicians to adopt transparency law before election / Article / LSM.LV


The Committee on Scientific Research of the Committee on State Security (CSC) invites the Saeima to adopt the "law of transparency" during this legislature. This bill provides for the publication of KGB documents and the nomenclature of the Communist Party. The Saeima is currently working on drafting a new draft of the SSC documents before the elections. The head of the responsible Saeima commission believes that the proposed bill would only prolong the work begun.

Scientists are encouraged to digitize and publish online a wide range of documents, starting with the cadres of the Communist Party of Latvia and the KGB nomenclature

. recognize the two occupations of the documents of the USSR and German Reich as part of the national documentary heritage and prohibit their destruction. Historians of this information commission propose to publish gradually over a decade. Saeima commissions did not support this bill. Khalis Kangeris, head of the KGB study commission, says the fight is not over:

"We sent the commissions, but now the commission will not go further, we therefore turned to political parties with the suggestion of advancing this law, all those who stand for election to move, if not this, and then to the next Saeima. "

The Saeima is currently conceptually supported by a another bill providing for public access to SSC documents from May next year. In addition, according to Inese Laizāne (National Union), chairman of the Saeima Commission of Human Rights and Public Affairs, proposing to consider the law on transparency would only mean reducing the existing work

"A strange trick to the KGB commission The KGB commission had to prepare and review the existing documents and make recommendations to the Cabinet of Ministers on how to publish them, with what comments.

If we start working on a new draft of law, the commission made The director of the Scientific Research Commission of Kyrgyzstan, in turn, responds with criticism to the amendments drafted by the deputies.

"We believe that the law on the establishment of cooperation KDC is inappropriate. We propose to propose a new one. We have already concluded from the beginning that the bill does not serve our purpose. Kangeris said:

The Saeima Working Group on Human Rights and Public Affairs will revisit the amendments to the law on the opening of a "check" at the end of month of August, but in early September the problem could be seen also in the commission itself

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