We know exactly how the British couple poisoned Novichok – the world


A British couple who was poisoned with nerve substance Novičok came into contact with a poisoned object, police said Thursday

"Now we know that they came into contact with the nerve palsy. A poisoned object. " [19659003"Afterdrawingotherpatientswhohavenowbeenexposedtoaparasiticalconditionwasbecomingatarget"saystheEpiscopalCommunique

It has already been reported that Britain is on Saturday in Eimesbery, 10 kilometers from Salisbury, two unidentified British citizens, a man of 45 years and a 44-year-old woman were unconscious. They are hospitalized in critical condition

British police said Wednesday night that they had been poisoned with Novičok's nerve palsy substance, poisoned by a former Russian duplicate, Sergei Scripa and his daughter Julia


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that Russia had no connection with these two cases.

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