What will we see in the sky in 2018? – Space – Science


The most important event is expected in the night of 27 to 28 July, when a full moon eclipse will be observed throughout Latvia. Even in the afternoon of January 31, a partial phase of the lunar eclipse will be observed a few minutes before its end, but in northern Latvia on August 11, a very small eclipse partial solar will occur.

Of the full moon eclipse that will be observed in Asia, Australia, the Pacific and North America on January 31, only a partial phase will be observed in Latvia shortly before its end, for example in Riga, the moon gets up at noon. 16:51, but the partial phase will end at noon. 5:11 p.m.. In turn, this half-time phase of the eclipse will end at noon. 6:08 p.m..

The full moon eclipse will be visible from July 27 to 28 on Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Indian Ocean. It will be possible to observe this eclipse in Latvia from the very beginning, because the partial phase of the eclipse will start at noon. 9:24 pm, complete phase – at noon 22:30, but the peak phase of the eclipse will be at. 11:22 p.m.. It must be taken into account that at the very beginning of the partial phase of the eclipse, the moon will be on the horizon and the sky will be light, because, for example, in Riga, the moon flies to . 21:36, but the sun will be at noon 21:46. On the contrary, at the time of the maximum phase of the eclipse, the sky will be sufficiently cloudy and the moon will be high enough to be noticed.

A partial solar eclipse will be visible on August 11 in Greenland, in the North Atlantic, northern Europe, Russia and the Arctic Ocean. Although this eclipse is not visible in Riga, it will be possible to observe it during a very small phase north of Kurzeme and Vidzeme. For example, in Rujiena, it will begin at noon. 12:03 but end at 12:32 pm The maximum phase of the obsession (0,022) will be at Rūjiena at noon. 12:17

In 2018, all the planets of the solar system will be visible. The Merkurs will be visible in mid-March in the evening, but in early January, late August and early September, and in the second half of December, they will be observed in the morning. Venus will have a visibility period from late March to mid-July, but will be visible in the morning from mid-November to the end of the year. Mars, as a visible red light from the beginning of the year to mid-May, will be visible in the morning, from mid-May to July – in the second half of the night, in July and August – most of of the night, but from September to the end of the year – in the first half of the night. Jupiter will be observed in the morning of February, in the second half of the night, in April and March – almost all night, in June and July – in the first half of the night, in August and September in the evening, but to the middle of December, the vision period of the planet will start again. Saturn will be observed in the morning, in the second half of April and in May in the second half of the night, in June, all night, from July to October, during the first half of the night and in the evening. Uranium, which requires at least a small binocular for observation, will be visible from January to late March in the evening, but from July to the end of the year, virtually overnight. The Neptune sighting requires a small telescope, but the best period of visibility of this planet will take place in the fall.

In 2018, as usual, there will be three of the most active meteor shower streams: the Quadrantheids, the Perseids and the Geminiids. The maximum of their activities is scheduled for the evening of January 3rd, August 13th in the morning and December 14th in the afternoon.

The Astronomical Society of Latvia brings together astronomy professionals and stakeholders to promote astronomy. The members of LAB participate in the creation of the magazine "Zvaigzne Debess" (www.lu.lv/zvd/), organize Sky observations at the astronomical tower of the University of Latvia and organize information meetings regular. More information on the LAB home page www.lab.lv.

Starspace.lv is the only portal to regularly publish information on astronomy in Latvian. StarSpace Ltd. It also occupies the promotion of astronomy by organizing seminars, lectures and demonstrations of the sky, as well as distributing telescopes. More information is available on www.starspace.lv.

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