Launch of Genshin Impact’s new explorable zone


Get ready for this one, folks. Genshin Impact has launched its first card add-on and it’s not just here for the holidays. The new Dragonspine area is here to stay and it gets pretty cold. Mihoyo’s Open World Fighter Update 1.2 has arrived, adding a new cold status effect, a new in-game event, and many other changes.

The Dragonspine area will feature Genshin’s new “pure cold” status effect. If you accumulate too much by staying in the subzero mountain climate, you will start to take health damage. Walking through a snowstorm or swimming in the cold will speed up your cold build-up, while heat sources like bonfires and torches will eliminate it. Prepare for the cold, as Dragonspine is home to puzzles and quests that you’ll want to hunt.

This also marks the start of the “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon” event in which Mihoyo says you can earn the refined new weapon Festering Desire. The event will take place in four acts throughout the month of December where you can complete challenges to unlock special abilities in Festering Desire.

You can find all the rest of the event details in Mihoyo’s post. Full patch notes with bug fixes, new character details, and more can be found here.

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