Leading collaborator confirms that Trump is interested in buying from Greenland


A senior White House official confirmed Sunday that President Donald Trump had raised the issue of the United States possibly trying to buy the island of Greenland in Denmark, even though the Danish authorities claimed that the outpost of the North Atlantic was not for sale.

"Greenland is a strategic place," said Larry Kudlow, senior economics advisor, after an interview with Fox News on Sunday, noting that the president was interested.

"The president – who knows things very well about real estate buying – wants to take a look," added Kudlow.

The comments were made even though the Danish and Greenlandic authorities stated that the island was not for sale.

Kudlow noted that President Harry Truman had evoked the same thing when he was in office, but the idea resulted in nothing.

"We are open for business, not for sale," Greenland's official representative to the United States said in a tweet.

Congressional reaction to press reports about buying Greenland has been muted.

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GOP representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee said on Twitter that he would not support such an idea in a budget deficit period.

"I think it's Trump's madness," said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA).

The New York Daily News may have had the most fun with history, publishing a title Saturday that echoed one of the tabloid's most famous titles.