Leading pro-Trump evangelical conservative Robert Jeffress of Dallas calls Biden ‘president-elect’ but says it’s unofficial


WASHINGTON – One of President Donald Trump’s main evangelical Christian allies, Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress broke ranks with the president’s refusal to concede defeat, calling Democrat Joe Biden president-elect and offering advice on how other Trump supporters should embrace development.

Biden’s victory is a “bitter pill to swallow,” Jeffress wrote in an online column published by Fox News, where he is a frequent commentator. “It’s always easier to submit and pray for someone when they were our favorite candidate. But rubber really meets the road when the person taking office is not the one we backed. Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites. “

Jeffress’s position itself could be a bitter pill for the president, who insisted he would win this election once the fraud and cheating come to light.

The senior pastor of First Baptist Dallas, one of Texas’ largest mega-churches, was one of Trump’s first and most visible conservative Christian supporters during the 2016 campaign.

He was a frequent visitor to the White House. He was a VIP guest when the United States opened its embassy in Jerusalem and a staunch supporter of Trump during impeachment, warning that Democrats would trigger a “civil war-like divide” if they took that step.

Trump called him “a great guy, a great man” on Good Friday, when he announced he would be watching the Easter service Jeffress would be leading in Dallas, with church attendance being misguided at this point in time. pandemic.

Trump's campaign call for donations on November 11, 2020, four days after Joe Biden was declared the winner, claims Democrats are trying to "STEAL the election."
Trump’s campaign call for donations on November 11, 2020, four days after Joe Biden was declared the winner, claims Democrats are trying to “STEAL the election.”(Trump campaign email)

No evidence of fraud and cheating has surfaced, although that does not prevent Trump and his campaign from alleging the election was stolen.

On Wednesday morning, for example, the Trump campaign was still calling for donations that included the statement, “We cannot let Democrats STYLE this election.”

Election officials in all states explicitly rejected this claim, calling this election a soft but unusual election due to the pandemic and the widespread use of postal ballots.

Trump trails Biden by more than 5 million votes, and the Democrat secured a convincing electoral college victory margin.

“When Joe Biden becomes president, we should congratulate him for what he does right. We must condemn the things he does wrong. And above all, we must fervently pray for our president, ”Jeffress wrote.

Pastor Robert Jeffress is pictured in the new sanctuary of the first renovated Baptist Church in Dallas on March 13, 2013.

Jeffress quoted the Apostle Paul’s warnings to submit to legal civil authority, as in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2, when he called for prayer “for all peoples, for kings and all that occupy high positions ”.

“Paul gave us no wiggle room – his command still applies whether the Emperor is the loyal Constantine or the evil Emperor Nero,” Jeffress said, adding, “If President Biden is successful, we let’s all succeed. God bless Joe Biden and God bless the United States of America. “

But Jeffress also defended Trump’s right to run for office.

And on Wednesday, he slammed Biden for promising to overturn Trump’s abortion and religious freedom decrees.


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