Leah Remini slams COVID security rant on Tom Cruise set


In an open letter posted to The Underground Bunker website on Wednesday, Leah Remini was very different from the largely positive reaction people have had to Tom Cruise’s recent rant on COVID security measures. Instead, the actress argued that the explosion was an example of what she claims to be Cruise’s “abusive” personality, and argued that her behavior was linked to the Church of Scientology which she is one of the most prominent critics.

“The Church of Scientology has done more than any other religious institution to promote preventive action against COVID-19 – in the United States and around the world. Long before the “stay at home” directives, the Church took aggressive steps to prevent the spread of the virus. The head of the Church has acted long before the curve, ”a representative of the Church of Scientology said in a statement. “Remini is an unreliable source attacking Scientology for publicity and money – as she herself admitted.

On Tuesday, audio secretly recorded on the set of the latest ‘Mission: Impossible’ movie, in which Cruise yelled at the London-based film crew for violating COVID-19 protocols. In his tirade, Cruise (who also serves as a producer on the film) reminds them that what they do on set is a role model Hollywood is looking for – and better not to mess things up. If the leak was aimed at damaging Cruise’s public reputation, it had the opposite effect, as a ton of people in Hollywood and outside agreed with him. We are, after all, in the midst of a pandemic that has killed more than 300,000 Americans.

Remini, however, disparaged the comments as an advertising effort, which she claimed was a practice associated with Scientology. Remini also said the rant was a reflection of what she said was her personal experience with Cruise rather than something related to the pandemic, and reiterated a familiar list of wrongdoing accusations against Cruise and the executives. of Scientology. Cruise and the Church have consistently denied all charges of wrongdoing.

Cruise representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment from TheWrap.

Read Remini’s essay here.


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