11 deputies appealed against the general finance law


Eleven deputies signed the appeal proposed by the Lebanese Judges Club in the finance law this year, after the amendments, which mainly concerns the unconstitutionality of the finance law, particularly with regard to the Inclusion of Knights in the budget, ie items that can not be included in any budget And articles have infringed the rights of the judiciary, contrary to what is provided for in the Constitution thus allowing the Constitutional Council, the highest judicial authority of the State, to pronounce the word "just mercy" from the rest of the rule of law.

This call is in line with what the Lebanese Judges' Club has repeatedly said in its various positions and statements as to why the majority of judges protested against the draft budget, which violated their legitimate rights on the merits. and form, forcing them to retire from work for forty-five days.

Refusing to accept the acceptance of officials of the judicial administration, in all its aspects, implicitly in the new situation, where the justifications were followed and the rumors suggested to avoid the negative effects of the project without facing him, which weakened the position of the judiciary before the political power, the second exploited the weakness of the first to impose his will.

According to the Judges Club's statement, the culture of the demolition of the judiciary, which has been applied for many years to leave this power unfit, subordinate and entrusted, has not found enough to block it except at a personal level. Self. The club reaffirms that it will strive to get the law on the independence of the judiciary adopted as soon as possible and recalls that it is only one voice. free and impartial result of the exercise of the right of meeting of judges of international renown and thus joined the convoy of 90 Judicial Associations of the International Federation of Judges.

In conclusion, we must address a word of thanks to the 11 deputies of the nation, who have not hesitated to sign according to their national meaning, provided that the bet of the faithful of the state on the decision of the Constitutional Council, either to restore luster to constitutional principles and to dust off the public interest It justifies the course of parliamentary action and recalls the importance of an independent judiciary, pillar of the state.

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