23 million English saw a penalty shootout against Colombia


More than 23 million English footballers watched the penalty shootout in the Colombia-Colombia match in the last round of the World Cup on Tuesday, according to local channel numbers Wednesday, which is the largest number of viewers

The English team reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup for the first time since 2006, beating Colombia 4-3 on penalties after a 1-1 draw in overtime and in overtime. But the most important for the team, "the three lions", was broken by the curse of these shots, which was tripled by the tournament.

The English "ITV" television network, which shares the rights of the British Broadcasting Corporation's live broadcasts, "That 23.6 million viewers watched the five-minute penalty shoot-out of the match that took place. was held at Spartak Moscow last night

The overall correspondence rate was 20.1 million, while the number of viewers was 24.4 million. [19659002] ITV, BBC "transfer matches in England directly. While the last match was broadcast by ITV, the BBC will broadcast the quarter-final against Sweden on Saturday, which should exceed the number of viewers in the record of the night.

The number of viewers for Tuesday's biggest match since the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, which was watched by 26.2 million people on the screen, according to the figures of "The BBC".

The hearing included Prime Minister Teresa Mae, a spokeswoman confirmed: "I have been following some parts of the game … but as she Earlier said, she suffers shots on goal because she is nervous "

May is suspended for the English victory, declaring Wednesday in a session of the House of Commons: "The country saw a very rare event and very welcome last night." I think the satisfaction, especially the joy, could have been felt across the country. "

" I want to congratulate (the coach ) Gareth Southgate and his team for an excellent performance. "

Viewers' figures for Tuesday's game are still lower than those of previous games The record of the last 30 years is 26.2 million viewers for the semi-finals of the 1990 World Cup between Anglet Wanders and West Germany (against England also), followed by 26 million in the second round of the 1998 World Cup against Argentina.

The funeral of Princess Diana in 1997 carries the record of 32 million viewers in England.


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