377 displaced Syrians leave Arsal with security escort


The second round of voluntary return of Syrian IDPs from Arsal camps to their cities of Qalamoun, in western Syria, ended yesterday.

The second batch is part of a series of batches that will be phased in from displaced Arsal camps to the cities of Qara, Jarajir, Ras al-Maara, Filita and Hawash. In the Syrian pen. On Thursday, 377 displaced people reportedly returned with vehicles, including bulldozers, trucks, tractors and cars, as well as small houses ready for installation.

IDPs gathered at the entrance of Wadi Hameed towards Jaroud near a checkpoint of the Lebanese army. , And a heavy deployment of the military, while public security has established a field center verified the identity of departures.

Most of the returnees appeared to be from Fleita and Qara. They expressed their great joy on their return to their homeland, thanking all those who contributed to their return and their bad in Arsal, especially the Lebanese in general. "We stayed in Arsal for five years," said one of the returnees.

Mukhtar Aarsal Mohammed Alula called on Lebanese and Syrian security services to "speed up logistical procedures to allow as many IDPs as possible to return," he added. The General Directorate of Public Security announced in a statement that "in the follow-up of the issue of displaced Syrians wishing to return to their cities, and this morning (yesterday) and in coordination with UNHCR and the presence of its representatives , Secured return Volunteer for three hundred and seventy-seven Syrian refugees from Arsal camps in Syria. "She pointed out that" the Directorate's patrols accompanied displaced people from the Wadi Hameed gathering place to the border crossing. Zomrani. "

Parallel to the departure, the Lebanese Red Cross and the ambulance and emergency teams were providing logistics and medical badistance The return of the returnees to Syria under the supervision of Lebanese General Security and at the request of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees placed the Lebanese Red Cross at the meeting point of ambulances Wadi Hamid Arsal and a v 4×4 vehicle with 19 medical and administrative staff and a mobile clinic. The ambulance teams transferred 63 health cases to the mobile clinic, which varied among children, the elderly and pregnant women, provided them with the necessary medical care and brought them back to the badembly point. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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