5 Effective aspects of reading … Life is changing for the better! | Culture


Lovers focus on reading
The pleasure they feel through their favorite hobby, and do not pay attention to
The many benefits that accrue to them through the habit of this behavior.

See the site Southernliving five
Aspects of change in the reading of human life, the benefits it derives from it
Researchers after studies conducted on the human body and its social life, and summarize
what follows.

Increase intelligence

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck and Kings College London conducted a study on 1890
A pair of twins, aged 7 to 16, who subjected them to intelligence tests,
Show that those with higher reading skills have skills
Superior cognitive.

Increase creativity

A researcher at the University of Toronto found that people who read news tend to
To be more open to their peers who do not like to read
They suffer from what is called "cognitive closure", which makes reading easier.
To better treat the information and give them a larger space of inspiration and creativity.

Increase happiness and reduce stress

Researchers at the University of Liverpool interviewed 4164 adults who found readers
Who are less stressed, less depressed and more respected
Self-ability to cope with challenges, compared to non-readers, also found that
Readers tend to make friends, they are more committed to
Their community and more aware of social issues, as demonstrated by a 2009 study
Read reduces the voltage by 68%.

Strengthens memory and protects against Alzheimer's disease

According to a study published in the Journal of Neurology, people who read or practice
The memory decline of other mental stimulation activities is slower than that of others
With those who did not, while reading regularly reduces mental decline
From 32%, and the probability of Alzheimer's disease of 2.5 times compared
To people who devote their time to other activities.

Lengthen the average life

Researchers from Yale University conducted a study of 3,635 people over 50 years old and discovered
Participants who spent 30 minutes of their reading day increased their average age of
23 months of people who have not read, show that these reading books tend to
Live longer than those who read newspapers or magazines.

Researchers believe that reading books leads to increased cognitive activity, in which the brain learns new vocabulary and to increasing links between different information.

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