5 tips to fight hunger


Next Diet Illness, abound Hunger Alerts, Which are often wrong!

To combat this hunger during a diet, some people often resort to excessive eating, which gives them more gain. calories!

The Center for the Le Cald Clinic in Beirut advises the following: Fight hungerDuring a diet:

5 tips to fight hunger

1 It is recommended to eat Breakfast Healthy and nutritious, noting that selecting the components of this meal in an unbalanced insulin increases insulin during the day.

Missing this morning meal also makes you hungry all day.
2 We recommend Sleeping for hours is enoughOn the contrary, the few hours of sleep disturb the hormones of the appetite.

When the body feels tired, leptin levels, produced by fat cells controlling appetite, decrease as the levels of ghrelin, hormone-stimulating hormone, increase!

Therefore, it is better to eat nutritious foods, which provide energy, k Fruits Andcarbohydrates Complex proteins when you are not sleeping enough.

5 tips to fight hunger
3 Drink a glbad of cold water When you are hungry, you feel full after 10 minutes.
4 You live a hungry moment after the exercise Exercise, Via consumption carbohydrates Complex, such as: brown rice, whole grains, or proteinLike slices of grilled chicken or lean meat.
5 The food is well chewed, noting that eating quickly the contents of the meal causes the feeling of hunger soon after the emptiness.

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