6 functions on iOS 12 make the iPhone and iPad more secure.









6 Features on iOS 12 make the iPhone and the iPad safer. Apple is about to launch the annual update of its iOS operating system this fall, the new version of iOS 12, which Apple has reviewed and launched its public beta at the end of the month of June. Developers.

Although the system features many new features such as emoji 3D emoticons and the screen time function to apply time limits to applications that could generate a lot of interest during the public launch of the new version in September, but iOS 12 is a big step forward in another important area: the security of smart phones.

Apple boasts an airtight app store and full encryption for all the devices it produces, but iOS 12 will make your iPhone and iPad more secure than ever, and we'll review the following features:

AutoFill security code to provide smarter and safer login methods:

You may have already registered 2FA bidirectional authentication method protects your most important accounts against hacking, which allows you to use an extra pbadword with your username and pbadword, usually an SMS code for your phone, to sign into your account on a new device.

This method makes hacking your account even harder for a hacker who accesses your connection but can not get the code badociated with it, but one of its disadvantages is that it makes you life more difficult. Connect via a large number of devices. IOS 12 reduces this burden with a new feature called AutoFill security code.

When the 2FA code arrives on your iPhone phone by SMS, on iOS 12, it will automatically switch to the application that it asks for the screen, so you do not need to change d & # 's 39; application or copy numbers. Making the 2FA Method Easier to Use

2- Improving Privacy by Reducing Ad Tracking Less Ad Tracking:

The Safari Browser in iOS blocks cookies for third-party apps, You may be caught off guard when using multiple websites, as well as internal cookies – those of a single site – whose last use was more than 30 days old. So, unless you log in regularly to a site,

On iOS 12, Safari will go even further: it will block by default the likes and share tools and comment in social media can follow you without your explicit permission even when you do not interact with them. When the browser detects this type of tracking, it gives you the option to allow it or block it.

In addition, Apple will be processing fingerprints of the fingerprint platform on an iOS Safari, a practice by which ad followers can recognize your fingerprint. The finger of your device, such as the data of the device on which your browser is running, the browser settings, and so on. Even if your tracking code does not fully identify you, it can track your device and start creating an image of your browsing templates when you visit your device for multiple locations. IOS 12 will also limit all this to Safari.

Apple's anti-tracking technology will be included in the Safari browser for devices running MacOS in the next version of Mojave.

3 – Pbadword Protection Pbadword Protections

The pbadword management feature will be better and more powerful in the Safari browser on iOS 12. The browser and the built-in pbadword storage system will secure your login credentials and suggest random pbadwords if you need them again.

Apple says on iOS 12 Safari will start suggesting stronger pbadwords. "Another new feature is an alert that is displayed when you use two or more connections that you have saved to your browser with the same pbadword – which is a security error – and you are prompted to change any of them.Thanks to iCloud, all these pbadwords will be synced to Apple devices. [19659011] 4. Group Video Call Encryption Group Encrypted Video Chat:

Encryption is everywhere in iOS, starting with Text chats that you send via iMessage to registered site data by applications Without the pbadword, fingerprint or face you have set for your iPhone, you can not read the data.

This also means that you can not spy on conversations iMessage and FaceTime to and from your iPhone Your. This gives you a lot of peace of mind, especially if you spend a lot of time connected to a public Wi-Fi network.

Apple will expand the capabilities of the FaceTime app on iOS 12 to include group calls for the first time, so that it can support group video calls between up to 31 people together within a single call, and as for the current individual calls, end-to-end encryption will be applied.

Automatically used with emergency service centers when it is connected

In conjunction with iOS version 12, People who connect to the service of service. Emergency with the help of iPhones and iPad will be able to share their location data automatically and securely with the call centers. This will save time for the victims of an accident, a crime, a fire or a health emergency, which will help save more lives.

Since Apple has tested iOS 12, it has announced its partnership with RapidSOS, C & # 39; is an emerging company that is working to upgrade several emergency call centers in the United States, which is about 6,500 .

In many emergency calls, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, the ability to transmit geographic location data effortlessly is vital, especially if someone asks for distress in an unknown area. In 2015, Apple launched the HELO initiative (Hybridized Emergency Location), which badesses the location of the emergency call number with the help of cellular towers and phone sources. Device data such as GPS and Wi-Fi access points. RapidSOS quickly and securely shares HELO location data with call centers receiving emergency calls , regardless of the programs that their call center occupies, which improves the response time.

6. Enhanced Protection Against Piracy:

When someone wants to hack a phone for your iPhone without your permission – be it a hacker or a hacker the application of the law – it does so often using unauthorized decryption methods, such as multiple attempts to access the phone in a fast sequence.

Apple is working with iOS 12 to reduce the time span that it could be it's effective. If the iPhone is not unlocked for an hour, the Lightning port switches to the state of charge only, which neutralizes data recovery attempts.

The previous time limit was seven days. 12 Access will be blocked more quickly, probably before anyone attempts to decrypt the phone stolen or seized by law enforcement

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