The records of Saida are in the hands of the President of the Republic and Judge Ibrahim


The subjects of Sidon are no longer a limited issue to deal only within the borders of Sidon … All records have been placed on the table between President Michel Aoun and the Secretary General of the 39; Nbaderite People's Organization, Dr. Osama Saad's Crisis

In addition to this, the financial prosecutor, Judge Ali Ibrahim, settled in Sidon and visited the plant sorting and processing Managed by "IBC" and the statement made after T. Your visit has a fundamental turning point in this crisis afflicting Sidon.


The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, received the deputy Dr. Osama Saad at the Presidential Palace of the Secretary-General of "People's Organization of Nazareth". The meeting focused on the political, economic and social conditions in Lebanon, including the negative impact of the economic and social crisis on living conditions.

"The Media Office" of MP Saad who "focused on the problems and crises of the city of Sidon, including:

severe crisis rationing of electricity and unfair pricing of producers, and the waste crisis and the import of large quantities Besides the imbalance of its performance, the sewage crisis pollutes the water of the beach and the sea, the traffic crisis in the city and its inputs and their negative effects on the movements of citizens and their daily lives

Saad presented the proposed solutions to the various problems and crises mentioned

For his part, the President expressed his understanding of the problems, crises, problems and proposed solutions, and declared himself ready to push for solutions.

MP Osama Saad appealed to the President of the Republic, General Aoun, to intervene. e directly on the corruption undergone by Saïda about the discharge and its performance and impurities in its techniques.


As a result of the visit, Judge Ibrahim stated in a televised statement that "the waste transferred to the factory far exceeds its capacity, and the management of the I & I. factory was summoned to listen to it. Their testimony about what is happening to improve the work process and solve problems. "[19659002] Sidon's waste case was also convened a few days before Minister of Environment Tariq Khatib's visit to the city to address Sidon's waste and plant performance problems [19659002] Invasion and Qnarit

A delegation from the "Environmental Youth Rally" in Ghaza and Qanarit included Murtada Sabra, Ahmed Khalifa and Ali Nbadar in the presence of Gad Al Bizri for the organization.
The meeting came discuss various environmental issues of interest to Sidon and surrounding areas, including gas and gas fields, in particular the waste problem and the latest developments in the dossier and the last sit-in in front of the laboratory.

The delegation considered that the environmental problem was related to Sidon and its surroundings, underlining the position of the city of Sidon with all the measures that will be taken to achieve a solution in this dossier, thanking Saad and the "Follow-up Committee on Environmental Issues" in Sidon. And other files such as generators, electricity and others.

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