The Charter The Lebanese State Minister for the Affairs of the House died today in Qansu at the age of 70 after a long conflict with the disease.
Previously, the Lebanese Minister of House Affairs was dead. Gansu was Minister of Labor in the government of the late Prime Minister Rafic Hariri What was formed in 2000. He was also "Minister of State" in the governments of former prime ministers Fuad Siniora in 2008 and Najib Miqati in 2011. According to the National Information Agency
Gansu graduated from the Faculty of Education of the Lebanese University in 1973. Between 1973 and 1996 he co-wrote numerous manuals for the intermediate and secondary levels.
I was a member of the Syrian National Socialist Party in 1968 and elected to his post until his election in 1996, 2000 and 2005.
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(19659007) Source: The Gate of the Sunrise
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