Coordination between Hezbollah and Damascus to make the mission a success


The record of the voluntary return of displaced Syrians, whose chapters have begun, has been set on fire since Hezbollah entered the line, where the party committee announced yesterday in this statement its willingness to do so. accepting requests from displaced Syrians wishing to return voluntarily to their homeland, Except Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm

The Committee established call centers and telephone numbers for this purpose in the cities of Baalbek , Hermel, Labwa, Bednayel, Southern Dahiya, Nabatiyeh, Tire, Bint Jbeil and al-Adaysa

Sources close to Hezbollah pointed out that the synchronization between the initiative announced by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah and the statement of the Syrian Foreign Ministry is not a coincidence but a proof of coordination between the party and the Syrian authorities for the success of the return initiative reveals Lebanon will witness thousands of convoys. The information indicates that a new batch of displaced people, including about 450 displaced people, will leave Arsal next Saturday, after receiving a first batch a week ago.

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