Photos – Haifa Wehbe from 2010 to 2018 … What has changed? Good fresh outside time and space


Haifa Wehbe has been at the forefront of early beauty charters over the last few decades, with a fresh taste of timelessness and space.

Users of social networks have largely circulated, compared to the Lebanese artist, between two stages in 2018 and in 2010 years

The photos showed Haifaa Mazzal as an icon in the field of l & # 39; art, fashion and elegance, claiming the saying "Haifa beautiful beauties over the years."

It should be noted that Wahbi participated in the last season of Ramadan, with the series "Curse of Karma" by Khairy Bishara

She recently apologized for not being honored at the Festival "Piaf "because of a health problem. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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