Trump to Congress: Reform of Immigration Laws


US President Donald Trump urged Congress to reform "unreasonable" immigration laws against the backdrop of conflicting statements about the crisis of the flow of migrants across the border that has seen thousands of people die. children separated from their families.

"When people enter our country with children or without them, they must be informed that they must leave without … forcing our country to hold long and costly trials."

Trump sent conflicting messages. On emigration to Congress

Before the House of Representatives voted on June 22 on Qanu's draft "Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, must" stop wasting their time for the day. immigration "until the end of mid-term elections in November.

But then, Capitol Hill asked the Republicans to support a bill

After failing, Trump insisted that & # 39; 39 "he did not seek the basis of this step."

He insisted on "Twitter" then "I have never pushed Republicans to the House of Representatives to vote on the bill on the 39; immigration. To get a sufficient number of (Democrats) "to pbad.

Trump has repeatedly criticized the lengthy judicial process to challenge" It's a waste of American resources. "

Trump said today Hui: "Tell people (migrants), get out and they should leave, as they should be in their front garden. Employing thousands of judges is not an unacceptable solution.

He went to "Congress … reforming our unreasonable immigration laws now."

Trump's fight against immigration was at the center of his policy, which focused heavily on the "United States, making his administration a policy of" zero tolerance "towards refugees

Having been strongly criticized, Trump signed a decree ordering the separation of children from their families, without specifying what measures were supposed to be taken against families already separated.


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