Social media applications work "deliberately" to be consumed by users – Al-Manar website – Lebanon


Social media companies deliberately use users for profit, according to insiders in Silicon Valley.

Aza Raskin, a former Mozilla employee, says: "It looks like they have cocaine And spread it out on the front of the app, and that's what gives you want to come back again and again, behind every screen of your phone, there are literally thousands of engineers working on this thing to destroy it as much as possible. "

Raskin, a Technical Engineer eminent, is a feature that allows the user to reduce indefinitely, a property of P Many applications are currently considered highly configurable, and this property allows the user to go down the page without pressing any button .

"This innovation has caused users to look at their phones too long, because users are hooked, I feel guilty now: many designers had to invent features in user-oriented applications, in keeping with the way

Sandy Paraciles, a former Facebook employee, expressed his point of view: Slot machine ", and Baracillas tried to stop using it" I had the impression of trying to stop smoking, to become aware of the fact that the product is a habit, an addiction, a style of work for which you are attracted to work. It attracts you as long as possible, "

Facebook told the BBC that its products are designed to" bring people closer to their friends, families, and anything else that interests them "and they never want to that it is a dependency on the process. "

Studies suggest a correlation between social media overuse and hacking Depression, loneliness and a host of other problems.

In Britain, teens spend an average of 18 hours a week to examine their phones, mostly on social networks

Source: BBC

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