For the third night in a row … violence continues in Nantes


Dozens of cars and many buildings were set on fire Friday night in Nantes, southern France, after a young man was killed by police at the last minute between police and youth in slums inhabited by a large number of immigrants.

A police officer was arrested for being questioned about the murder of the 22-year-old boy, who was reported by media outlets as Bbadem Abu Bakr F., whose death exacerbated tension in the slums, where residents often complain of police brutality.

Fifty-five cars were burned during the night in Nantes, including the Mayor's personal car, and eight buildings were damaged by fire or looting, including a bar in a deliberately burned commercial center, said officials.

Attempts were also made to burn a secondary gas station without reporting injuries, and the violence calmed around 6:00 am local time (0400 GMT).

Police arrested four people, including a 14-year-old boy who had a can of gas and a bottle of sulfur, as had been the case on previous nights targeting a police vehicle with a Molotov badtail .

In total, the police arrested more than 12 people in the violence, including a person in the district of Garg-les-Gounes where the young man was staying, after young people threw Molotov badtails at the police and set fire to them. Thursday morning. .

Thursday night, about 1,000 people in Nantes marched for "justice for Abu" and to reveal the circumstances of his death.

Prime Minister Edward Philippe went to Nantes and condemned the violence and promised "total transparency" in the badbadination of the young man.

Interior Minister Gerard Colomb said the government would do everything possible "to calm the situation … it is our duty to restore calm in Nantes and throughout the country."

Abu Bakr was a p. Is under surveillance as part of a drug trafficking investigation when the police arrested him on Tuesday.

He also received a warrant for theft and other offenses.

The Nantes police said that he had no identity card and gave a false name and tried to stop him.

The Nantes prosecutor, Pierre Senis, said that the driver had "apparently tried to escape quickly by backing down".

Police said that one of the police officers had been hit by the car, forcing another officer to open fire – but a witness said the car was parked when the driver received a single bullet in the neck.

A policeman who was shot by a police department investigating the incident was arrested

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