We are getting older and Lila is getting smaller


We show you the most important news in the following article:

Written by Alia Ahmed

Lebanese broadcaster Nishan has published a photo of the artist, Laila Alawi, in which he expressed the extent of his admiration and beauty, through the official account on the site of the exchange of images and famous videos "Instagram".

Commented on the photo saying: "Moon

Laila Alawi Cinema" .. The photo received a lot of comments from Nishan's followers, including "I am Akbar and Laila Alawi is smaller, knowing that I'm only 26 years old !!

Laila recently completed the filming of "The Secret Story of Kawthar." The film is written and directed by Mohammed Amin, with Muhsen Mohiuddin, Ahmed Hatem, Inas Kamel, Firas Saeed and Abdel Rahim Hbadan

Finally, thank you for visiting and following the East Times, and we promise to provide all important news from reliable sources We have moved ( Nishan Yatzezl in Laila Alawi and the Audience: We're getting older and Laila is smaller) News Health Manager or not
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