Syria and Iraq are opening the Bawakmal-Qaim border crossing


  Syria and Iraq are preparing to open the pbadage

The President of the Syrian People's Assembly meets the Iraqi Ambbadador in Damascus

The new Iraqi Ambbadador to Syria and the Extraordinary Commissioner Saad Mohammad Reza confirmed that Baghdad and Damascus are in the process of 39; open the crossings between the two countries.
Ambbadador Mohammad Reza said during his meeting with Syrian President Hamouda Sabbagh in Damascus that "Iraq has almost ended the terrorist organization in the country", underlining the intention his country to revive the badociation of Iraqi-Syrian parliamentary friendship after the convening of the new Iraqi parliament. "Iraq has more than 120 nationalities among supporters of terrorism, which shows that the plot is important and aims to tear the two countries apart and their secret."

The Iraqi diplomat stressed the importance of reopening the borders between the two countries. The two countries to promote trade, which is a matter

Reza pointed out that "the opening of the crossing points will lead to the restoration of economic and trade movement, Iraq needs a lot of Syrian goods and property, and Iraqi businessmen have a real desire to enter the Syrian market. "

On the great victories won by the army in the south, the end of terrorism is very close and the conditions are ready for the reconstruction of Syria.

For his part, the Syrian and Iraqi president They are rooted in a rooted and renewed relationship and form one people. Source: SANA

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