Bo Asi visited Tarabia to follow the economic real estate loan


As part of its efforts to solve the housing credit crisis, the Social Affairs Minister of the Interim Government, Pierre Bou Asi, announced that he is studying tax exemption for banks. "It is a prosperous commercial institution in Lebanon and any partnership with it requires serious research." After the survey, we will continue our tour of all sectors of the country concerned to build a clear vision and a true partnership.

Director of Lebanese Credit Bank in Adliya, Director General of the Housing Authority, Roni Lahoud, and Bo Asi Adviser for Financial and Housing Affairs, George Nasr, discussed the grant file subsidized housing with the advantage of encouraging low-income people to bear the burden.A new mechanism that allows the resumption of funding for this critical social segment and the "return of the state to the management and handling of this issue which is at the center of his concerns "

The banking sector has made the most efforts to obtain Lebanese financing.For long periods of time, And the liquidity that the Bank of Lebanon prefers to provide with a symbolic interest.

Thus, we see in the movements of officials in the recent period, recognition measures that will revive the hope of thousands of young men and women to p Oversize And the banking sector will always be present to be the locomotive that brings this social finance to its beneficiaries, within the framework of the financing of the development provided by the banks with the support of the Bank of Lebanon for the learning, the environment and the knowledge economy. ] Bo Asi 002] For its part, Bo Asi said: "The meeting aims to consider as an official sector, as a depository of the Public Housing Institution, and as a private sector represented by the president of the Association of Banks, how to approach subsidized housing loans. An economic problem The stagnation that has occurred since the cessation of subsidies on housing loans is clear and has repercussions on all sectors. As a custodian, it is my duty to present all the ideas that can contribute to the solution. I asked that bank loans be limited to the conditions of the Public Housing Corporation in order to have a clear housing policy for low-income youth and to get out of subsidized loans whose value is 800 $ 000, resulting in a deterioration in funding capacity. Including the banks, so the visit became a contribution to the banks in the revival of housing and subsidized loans. I believe mainly in public-private partnership Since the beginning of the crisis, I have emphasized the importance of this partnership, especially between the citizen, the bank and the country, which can One way or another to support these loans.

Asi revealed other resorts as part of its ongoing tour with other partners in the housing field "to come out with the best sustainable vision that will continue for years to come and allow young people limited income to own a home.

In response to a question, Bo Asi said that "the accelerated accelerated law proposal submitted by" Future Bloc "has not been discussed., But in the points we are talking about since the crisis to study its elements in a serious and sustainable way and put it in the most appropriate way to support the loans. "

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