The official website of the new channel, international, injured football fans due to fireworks in Nice French


Football fans injured due to fireworks in Nice French

Football fans injured by a fireworks in Nice French "/>

Football fans injured by a fireworks in Nice

27 football fans were injured in a scramble in the French city of Nice yesterday The fireworks fire triggered fireworks moments before the final whistle of the semi-finals of the World Cup that France won on Belgium

The incident, according to Reuters, brought to light the tension two years after an Islamist militant attacked a truck in which a crowd was celebrating "A crush occurred after the Fireworks were set on fire, "said Jean-Gabriel Delacroix, a member of the city council." There were 27 wounded.

Most of the injured were injured.

Images of local media showed terrified pedestrians standing around tables and chairs, spilled and splinters of glbad scattered on the floor. Reuters could not verify the pictures.

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