Hariri in the Arab Economic Forum: Any destabilization of the monetary and financial economy will have serious repercussions


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri stressed that "we have a choice between two: either to surrender to the current reality and the difficulties of Lebanon, or to promote Lebanon to ensure the prosperity of all Lebanese". "I will not give up, and this is the option I work on personally, and I am very confident that the Lebanese political community will move beyond the debates you hear about to realize that The interest of Lebanon and Lebanon for a dignified life must be advanced. "
"Our region needs 27 million new jobs in the next five years," he said, "The main question today is how do we, our brothers and friends, the first challenge for Arab countries is to increase growth rates, the second challenge is to sustain this growth, including different sectors of society, especially women and youth, and this implies vital vitality in the cycle The third challenge, which is to diversify the sources, remains The growth and diversification of the sources of growth not only concern the oil-exporting countries, but also the countries of Lebanon, Egypt and other countries in the Arab region. "

Hariri stressed that" in Lebanon, we have developed a clear road map to increase growth rates, diversify and sustain its sources. " roadmap presented by the Lebanese government at the CEDRE conference is based on four complementary axes:

First: Implementation of the $ 17 billion investment program over ten years aimed at modernizing and developing infrastructure.

Third: Third: Carry out the structural and sectoral reforms needed to ensure good governance and the fight against corruption, and develop legislation that governs private sector action and modernization of public sector procedures.
Fourth: Develop and implement a strategy to develop the productive, traditional and new sectors, and increase the export potential of Lebanon. "

Hariri stressed:" I am also confident that despite all the difficulties and conflicts No matter the intensity, we are with sister countries eager for a stage of stability, reconstruction, prosperity and growth. We are all partners in the process of advancing our region. For his part, the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, at the opening, "Lebanon has maintained its stability against the US dollar and the pound is stable," stressing that "the new government should be the first to implement the decisions of the conference and Sader's reforms.
He said: "The Bank of Lebanon meets the International Monetary Fund on the need to reduce the deficit relative to GDP". "The vision of economic and financial reform in Kuwait is inspired by the thinking of SS the Emir, who aspires to make Kuwait a regional and international financial and economic center," he said. Kuwait aims at three major transformations related to the nature of the economy, its productive base and the nature of its workforce. "

Al-Ghanim said, "The three changes to the vision of economic reform in Kuwait are linked to the shift from a public-sector economy to a competitive economy driven by the private sector. Third change of a work force that makes expatriate workers the biggest part of their national job structure is the backbone of this structure, "she adds. Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah gains, who aspires to make Kuwait a regional and international business and financial center. "

He stressed that "this thought has been crystallized into a clear and comprehensive development vision for Kuwait 2035, The implementation of these projects, included in the first phase, represents only 116 billion dollars, in all sectors of the economy in general, and in electricity, water, health and education projects in particular.Private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises are key mechanisms for to achieve, "said:" If the success of the reform has intensified Lebanon's success in securing the commitments of countries and international institutions participating in Cedar is conditional on the implementation of the Lebanese commitment in return, not only on the economic and financial reform, but also on the economic and financial reform of the country – the political reform of the promotion of coexistence and justice and the reference

See also: details … World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland

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