Federer squanders his lead in two sets and emerges from the quarter-finals


Wimbledon: Federer squanders two sets and exits Al-Fursan quarter-finals, quoting Al Ahram Sport, announces Wimbledon: Federer misses Wimbledon, Wimbledon: Federer squanders two sets and exits quarter-finals

The Cavalry Network Swiss veteran Roger Federer lost his first two sets in two sets and one ball to clear the match and out of the quarter-finals of Wimbledon, the third tournaments (6-3), 5-7 (7-5), (6 -4), 13-11 1965 Anderson was the eighth champion of the 36-year-old champion, who sought to increase his record and win the English title for the ninth and 21st time in the Grand Slam in a tense time 4 hours 13 minutes.
This is the first defeat of Federer before the semifinals of Wimbledon since 2013, when he fell to Ukrainian Sergei Stakhovsky in the second round. He reached the finals in 2014 and 2015 when he faced Novak Djokovic of Serbia, the semifinal of 2016 where he cashed against Canadian Milos Runic, before taking the title last year.
Anderson's victory (2.03m) was a surprise, especially since no team was tagged against him in four games, but for the first time, they face a major tournament or meadow where the owner of the sweep sends him comfortable
Federer easily sealed the first set and lost his second place in the second half for the first time since the semifinal of last year against the Czech Tomas Berdych, but was replaced by a late break from the Thai Break. In the third set, Federer advanced (5-4) and had a chance to resolve the match on Anderson's posting but failed and then lost his serve and so put on (5-7).
This is the first group he has lost to Wimbledon since 2016, after winning 34 in the Topia group. The last group he lost in the semi-finals two years ago when he fell five sets in front of Runic.
Anderson, who was in his first quarterfinal at Wimbledon, maintained his lead and sealed the fourth set (6-4) against Switzerland, who was in the quarterfinals of a major tournament for the 53rd. times of his career.
But the fifth set, which actually had two innings, missed Federer's lead (5-3), then equalized the score until Andersson broke his opponent's lead. (12-11), before settling (13-11) more than four hours after the start of the game. .
Anderson, who became South Africa's first semifinal at Wimbledon since Kevin Corinne in 1983, said, "After two sets, I've tried to do everything I've done. 39; had. The victory over Roger Federer at Wimbledon will remain in the annals, especially in a tight match. "" I thought today would be my day. "
Anderson, 32, will meet the winner of the Canadian Ravenic XIII and 2016 match with American John Esner [19659003] Thank you for your follow up and we always promise you to do everything better .. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter Greetings from the Knights Network Family Site.
Al-Fursan, Wimbledon: Federer misses his lead in two sets and comes out of the quarter-finals, follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive regular news

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