2018 World Cup .. 38 million dollars waiting for the World Cup champion


According to Sadi Al-Balad, Al-Wasat, site of the 2018 World Cup, will be transferred to the World Cup

Al-Wasat Newspaper – One of the teams from Paris and Croatia is at threshold of a lot of money. The goal of both teams for the final of the 2018 World Cup will be Sunday night in Russia

The two teams will qualify for the 2018 World Cup up to $ 28 million up to defeat, winning an additional $ 10 million to compete in the World Cup. $ 38 million

The winner also wins the center The third in the 2018 World Cup is about $ 28 million, while the fourth will receive $ 22 million.Here is the breakdown of financial rewards on the 32 teams that took part in the World Cup of Russia:

Champion: 38 million

Third place: 24 million dollars
Fourth place: 22 million dollars
Eighth finals: 16 million
Round of 16 Victories $ 12 Million
Get $ 8 Million

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Source: Sadi Country

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