Video "Hailat Ya Lail" .. "Heidat" makes Nogomi Elissa in the Arab world


Mahmoud El Rifai

The Lebanese star Elissa has released these last hours "Head" for his new album "To All Who Love Me" and the album is produced by Rotana and should be released after 10 days . Has been placed for reservations via the iTunes Store. [19899003] "Badi Adub"

"Badi Adub" was the first "head" chosen by Elissa in her lyrical journey, the song that opened her first celebrity where the artist listened to Ragheb Alama and loved her voice a lot and decided to choose her to participate in the lyrics. (19659003)

"In the absence of Petroh"

This song is the official song of the success of Elissa, that is why all the audience of Ragheb Alama, In because of the great success that he has achieved.


was a turning point in Elissa's journey, turning him from an ordinary singer into the Arab world to a singer of great popularity and specifically l & rsquo; Egypt, where the song was produced by the World of Art What promoted them significantly.

"Back to the Market"

The song "Return to the Market" from Elissa's fourth album "Ahla Donia" is perhaps one of the most popular songs Low of the album, What she presented in her career because she did not have much success, but it was the entrance to the company. 39, the most important album in his musical career, which received the Ord Music Award.


Elisa learned from the mistake of her last album and decided to present a strong "head" in her second album with Rotana. She introduced Bastanak, who was able to give it a second time Music Prize

"Ayami Beck"

One of the most powerful skins of Elissa in his lyrical journey.The This is due to the poet Nader Abdullah and the composer Tamer Ali, who presented "Head" completely different from what was presented.


"Bimin's Tasdak"

Elissa may have repeated the same mistake as "Ahla Donia" in the Tasdak Bemin album, as it was not as loud as his album, On my beloved heart. "

" In Your Eyes "

During Asaad's only album, Elissa attempted to present a different" head "and did it in the song" In Your Eyes ", perhaps not accepted by the public Critics and musicians saw that the song was quite different.

" The first time you love "

Elissa decided in "Head" album "Love" to put a traditional song called "Head".

"Sahrana Ya Lail"

The song "Head" was a flash and brought about the success of the album because of his idea written by a blond angel and a melody of Mohammed Yahya

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