
Five Habits Can Extend the Life of 10 Years Cavalry Network Citing Norte Spread to You Five Habits Can Extend the Life of 10 years old, five Habits can extend the age of 10 years We publish our visitors News News Today, through our network of knights and start with the main news, five habits can extend the life. 10 years old.

Knights Network Scientists from Harvard University and other universities in the United States To extend human life by an additional 10 years, if all available psychologists
and confirmed the Harvard University D. Communicating with friends helps to prolong the life of the 5-7-year-old, compared to those who live in loneliness.
Abandoning alcohol, even small doses of beer a day can prolong life, American Institute of Health and Cardiology
Scientists have also confirmed that the chances of life after the first half of the year. Age 80 years increase in people who eat moderately, and do not eat food until thickening.
In addition, the results of a study conducted by scientists from the University of St. Louis show that consumption of low-calorie diets leads to slow thyroid production of the hormone T3, badociated with the speed of aging
The risk of cardiovascular disease, thanks to their confinement of antioxidants.
In addition, scientists point out that the easiest way to prolong life for another 7 to 10 years is to exercise and not to smoke
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